Wednesday 21 January 2015

New Information

Well, I started this blog for a school assignment, and now, I'm doing it to let those who care, know what's going on in my life.  Well, to an extent, my personal life stays personal.

Its January 21, 2015 and I've been so full of stuff on my mind to share since before Christmas! Well, here it goes.

I got hired at my job from a temporary employee to an MCP (which just means I get full time hours, most of the benefits and a real pay cheque from the company) in October. I had been a temporary for 2 years before getting hired, so for me that is a huge accomplishment. I loved my job as a temp, but the moment I got hired I felt that people were bullying me more and so now I've been there for a few months and I couldn't dread going to work anymore.  But anyways, with that, in November(just before my birthday) I injured myself.  I thought it was on the job and so I told health and safety about it. After a few weeks of no improvement I decided it was time to see my doctor.

I saw my doctor December 2nd, 2014.  He asked my history of back pain, did a couple tests in the office, wrote out a prescription to help with the inflammation he thought I had and sent me for an x-ray to double check that nothing was wrong.  He told me that it was likely just muscles being pulled and stretched the wrong way, and so I went back to work and told health and safety that it was likely just a muscle thing and that with time it will go away.  I went to go see my doctor again on December 22, 2014 just to see if I was getting any better.  He said my x-ray came back and I have Degenerative Disc Disease with Osteoarthritis in my lower back (lumbar).  For those of you that don't know how old I am, I'm 26 as of November 26, 2014. I am in fact too young to have a condition such as this. My doctor then told me to go to physio and maybe lose some weight.  So that's now my plan.

As of January 2nd, 2015 I joined a gym.  My new years resolution was to lose weight and become more healthy.  Now Monday to Friday I go to the gym.  If I'm on day shift than Tuesday afternoons are for Yoga at the gym.  Otherwise I do yoga at home on Tuesdays. Or I will be, I haven't yet done it at home.  I'm learning more and more about losing weight and how to succeed at doing just that.

As of January 19th, 2015 I started Physiotherapy.  I have to go twice a week.  The point is to make it so I'm less likely to get worse and can better handle myself with as little pain as possible.  I haven't done too much on it, but we will see.

So just so my readers know, I'm starting at 228lbs and a size 16.  When I start losing weight or even inches I will keep you informed.  I'll try to write a blog once a week, bit I'm not guaranteeing anything.  This blog will be about anything and everything I have going on in my mind!

I love writing so this is fun for me!

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