Thursday 24 November 2011

Interesting Cultures

Class becomes more interesting the more we go to it.  We had more presentations this week and I learned a lot.  We learned about the Amish and Mennonite culture.  I see people from the Mennonite culture on a regular basis while working at sears, and if I see a lot there as a part time employee, I will likely meet children or youth of the Mennonite culture while working in the field of Child and Youth Work.  But also, knowing that Kings of Leon (Which is a popular band) used to be a part of the Amish culture, will help me connect better with any children or youth that are from the Amish culture and need some kind of connection with people.  The guys from Kings of Leon all choose to leave the culture when they became the right age, and maybe I might work with a youth who is divided on which choice to make.  I as a child and youth worker could potentially find people who used to be of the Amish culture so that they could talk and help the youth decide whats best for them.

We heard about the Mediterranean culture during last class as well.  In all honesty, I don't remember much about this presentation.  I didn't take any notes like I did for the other presentations.  I don't think much about this culture connected with me during the presentation.  I've met many people with an italian background, but there was just a lack of connection during the presentation for me.  I agree that during our time in the field of Child and Youth work we will meet many people whom are part of the Mediterranean culture and the information we've heard will benefit all of the Child and Youth workers that heard it. I've probably met hundreds already, but for what ever the reason may be, I'm not bringing a connection.

The last presentation we heard was one on the Indian culture.  They focused on the culture from Bangladesh seeing as India is a huge place.  I connected with some of the things they said because I've actually been talking to someone who is from India.  He's from Punjab, but some of the things people from Bangladesh do, my friend has told me about.  Although, I did not know that in this culture that boys are circumsized between the ages of 5 and 10.  I was actually surprised about that.  As far as I knew, people of any culture did any circumcision after the child was a year old because it can be very painful.  But it is interesting that people from the Indian culture do circumcision at an older age.  My friend had mentioned about the arranged marriages and the love marriages.  He told me that in Punjab that they aren't as harsh on love marriages as they used to be, but that arranged marriages are still preferred within families.  People from this culture are starting to help populate Canada and so in our lifetime we are likely to work with people from this culture at some point.  It is important to know different aspects of this culture, or even be open to learn about it.

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